

I am a busy guy. In fact, if you were to ask my beautiful wife, Leigh, I am “terminally busy.” I don’t know how to stop, say no, take a break or unwind. I am so full of things “to do” that my day ought to include at least another 8 hours for my list.
Last month, the Lord stepped in and said to me, in a voice loud and clear, “STOP!”
Jesus said to me, “Stop planning, stop filling up your day, stop working so hard and just find some time to rest in Me.” 
And to ensure that I would accomplish this stoppage, He sent me to the hospital with an episode of Atrial Fibrillation. I went straight into the ICU of the Green Valley Hospital. I did not pass “Go.” I went directly into the most intense care they provide for patients. I was going to rest, whether I liked it or not.
Thankfully, I am well and was able to get out of the hospital only a few days later, but the point struck home.
The word of God says in Psalm 46:10a to “Cease striving and know that I am God.” 
The above passage can also be translated more than adequately from the original Hebrew as “Let go and know that I am God” or “Relax…” or “Stop struggling…” I had God apply a little Psalm 46:10 on my being and do you know what I discovered? God! I discovered God in the midst of my sorrow at the loss of my mom a week before; God in the midst of my involuntary hospital visit; God in the midst of the silence of 48 hours of the acute care I was given; God, as big as life and as loud as thunder.
What has gotten in the way between God and your busyness? What is impeding your hearing the King in the midst of your daily chores? What has derailed you from listening to the grandeur of God in the midst of the noise of the world? In your worries? Your struggles? Your pain?
Perhaps, stopping and having a listen would serve all of us, especially as we prepare for Easter and the remembrance of Christ’s saving act of grace for the whole world.
Maybe, we ought to be stopping and thinking about that. Who knows, God may have a word for you. I think He probably does. He did for me.

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