
Category: God

The Unquenchable Worshipper

Several years ago, I read a book entitled, The Unquenchable Worshipper: Coming Back to the Heart of Worship, by Matt Redman. I was impressed by this little book and subsequently wrote a series of devotions for my own reflection on […]


Faithfulness is work! It is hard won and hard maintained. Hanging in there and keeping it all going in the right direction is a full-time job that never sleeps. One of the challenges in remaining faithful is consistency. Another is […]

Praise Music: All About the Message

I love music. I am not ashamed to say that I love all music. In fact, I have learned over my 63 years of existence that all music has some redeeming aspect to it, even if I might not “like” […]


I had to go back to work this week after being off for a week because of my surgery. I say “had” not because I was forced by a schedule or a boss or any other outside impetus, but by […]

I share a poem. You are ours(for Leigh)I saw you sleeping this morning with the birdsAnd in your drawing or swaying I saw that curveOf your construction in composition with the liesFrom one who truly wants your destruction for you […]