
Community Bible Experience: Day 4

Here we are are at day 4!  I know I am happy about this, because I am enjoying the time of reading and it has not been a burden so far, at all.  How cool is that?  Since reading seems to be a thing of the past (can’t we get all this on video?), I think it is an accomplishment to let our eyes follow a line of text that is longer than 140 characters!

Today we read the continuation of Jesus’ journey toward Jerusalem.  I hope you are still hanging in there with me and my church as we start this New Year falling into the word of God and letting Him help us into all He has for us.  I am more and more convicted and blessed because of this.  I hope you are also!

My thoughts on today’s reading.

Who gets saved?  Who is able? It looks like a difficult thing.  Why does it have to be the narrow way?  Why does salvation have to be so, so, HARD LINED?  That’s what I am asking myself today and what I am sure anyone would ask.  Why can’t it just be an open door for everyone?  Something easy.  Something like breathing…no problem, just inhale and exhale.  Got it!

But there is invitation involved and invitation implies response.  Honestly, we don’t like to respond.  Just look at how many emails I have piling up in my in-box.  I’ll get to them.  Really, I will.  We don’t like the idea of someone, anyone, even God, putting a trip on us.  What do you mean I have to choose?  Can’t I just show up?

For me, this is the crux of the message in this section of reading.  Jesus over and over gives clues that the key to salvation is response.  It is a response to the “open door,” a response in humility at the “wedding feast,” a response to the invitation to the “banquet,” a response to the singular focus of discipleship in Jesus,  a response of “counting the costs,” a response to the value we can see in this salvation like the woman who sweeps her house clean to find a single coin!  It is the joy of finding a lost coin, a lost sheep, a lost son!

Salvation is God’s plan, His way and we need to get over our alternate routes!  Jesus Himself tells the parable of Lazarus and the rich man in this section.  It is very clear that if we don’t get how God desires to effect salvation, WE WONT EVEN GET IT IF SOMEONE COMES BACK FROM THE DEAD!

We cannot juxtapose anything with God and get salvation. We cannot serve both God and money, God and self, God and family or God and anything else (not even soccer, for those who know me).  How narrow is that?

Yet, what is impossible for man, is possible with God.  So in the unworthiness of our frame, in the tiny “mustard seed” faith we might have, in the seemingly hopeless estate in which we find ourselves, He is able where we are not.

That’s what I got today in my reading.

I hope you can continue on with me and my church in this awesome endeavor through the word of God.  Until tomorrow, blessings!

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