
The Unpredictable Worshipper

Several years ago, I read a book entitled, The Unquenchable Worshipper: Coming Back to the Heart of Worship, by Matt Redman. I was impressed by this little book and subsequently wrote a series of devotions for my own reflection on its themes. Here is the third devotion I wrote. I hope it blesses you. (BTW I maintained the author’s spelling of “worshipper” because he is English and that is how the English spell the word. It also makes me look cosmopolitan.)

The unpredictable worshipper…This expression of worship is given to the adoration of God revealed as one worshipping outside the lines.  This one is perceived as not knowing the rules.  This worshipper is unscripted, spontaneous and oblivious to “what ought to be.”  This does not mean that structure is bad in worship, only that surprise in worship is not inherently wrong.  There is a need in all worship to not be dry, predictable and lifeless.

A problem with this openness to astonishment is the reality of embarrassment.  It may make us feel disquieted to see someone let go of the restraints of the “this is how you must worship” attitude.  Those of us who are longer in the faith may feel uncomfortable to be assaulted by the unmoored response of this experience.

Shawn was a new believer who had no history of going to church.  At his first Lord’s Supper, I was leading the service.  He was so taken by the fact that I had shared the Lord with him, which led to his salvation, that he came directly to me, and while knelling before me, asked me to present the bread and the cup to him directly.  We typically passed the trays with the elements on them throughout the congregation, but he came forward, not knowing the “rules” and asked from the one who offered him the Lord in salvation to offer him the elements of the remembrance of what the Lord had done for us both.  I was at first embarrassed for him, but I realized he didn’t know.  In that moment, the “order” of that service was superseded by the unpredictable worshipper.

This type of worshipper is intimately led by the Holy Spirit to honor, adore and worship.  It is the sweaty palms, heart throbbing, “first love” expectation of the wonder of God.


Master, You who knows all things and have given us Your grace, help us in our worship to never be so structured that we miss the whisper of Your Spirit.   Open our hearts to the wonder and amazement of being in Your presence and give us hearts that would glorify You even outside of the lines.

In the Savior’s name.  Amen.

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